About Us


There comes a day in a dancer's journey when they have to buy their first pair of genuine dance shoes. A day when dancing in your everyday shoes no longer cuts it. Your Converse have holes in them, your dress shoes are all scuffed up and you can't nail those double and triple spins you’ve been dreaming of. 

I remember the day that dance evolved from an enjoyable hobby into my biggest passion. I went to order my first pair of dance shoes, but after hours of searching the internet I couldn't find any that matched my style. So I went off to design my own, and Dizzi Dance Co. was formed. 

After numerous design ideas and countless prototypes, Dizzi's flagship design - the Valley Casual, was created. A shoe fit for the everyday style, without sacrificing danceability. 

Here at Dizzi, we are committed to providing more than just a shoe; we are enabling confidence, comfort, and convenience for the passionate dancer. 

Happy Dancing!

Ross DiJulio, Founder